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Academic quality, best practice and applied research at UIN in Indonesia

Episode #20

In this video, Mohammad Zuhdi discusses his role at Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah (UIN) in upholding quality assurance in the teaching and learning framework, with particular emphasis on online learning.

Mohammad Zuhdi | Head of Quality Assurance Institute at Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

In this video, Mohammad Zuhdi discusses his role at Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah (UIN) in upholding quality assurance in the teaching and learning framework, with particular emphasis on facilitating the widescale shift to remote and online learning during the global pandemic.

Drawing from his research background on the curriculum and instruction subsets of education, Mohammad explains how UIN approaches academic quality with integrity mechanisms pertaining to both educators and students. He also sheds light on the Indonesia higher education context, explaining where the Indonesian government has supported the education sector during the transition to online learning, and how it is catering to the future needs of education.

Mohammad credits the ‘baseline’ knowledge of online instruction by educators and students which kept them afloat in an environment that was otherwise lacking in preparedness, and how the pandemic is a catalyst to embracing existing technology. He addresses the ‘generational gap’ amongst educators as undermining widespread acceptance of online learning and limiting it’s progress, arguing that online learning has already proved its merits and how it’s now a matter of refining it and upskilling staff.

Finally, Mohammad touches on the possibilities of online learning infrastructure for the internationalisation of curriculum. He canvasses the benefits of such learning, including the removal of logistical barriers and democratisation of knowledge, and evaluates how increasing global competition beyond the local level may encourage new opportunities for institutional quality in Indonesia.