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AI in the assessment security space (part 3) of tackling e-cheating & assessment security

Episode 34

Welcome to the third instalment of our four-part series. In this video, Phill explores the prevalence and potential of artificial intelligence in the delivery of assessment security and how it might impact learning, teaching and assessment outcomes.

Welcome to a special four-part series of our Integrity Matters vidcast on Tackling e-cheating and Assessment Security with Professor Phillip Dawson, in collaboration with The Centre for Research in Assessment and Digital Learning (CRADLE).

In this third instalment, Phill explores the prevalence and potential of artificial intelligence in the delivery of assessment security and student-accessible technology. He observes how AI is providing both a means to cheat and the mechanism for detection, and contends that boundaries must be drawn around where AI efficiency stops and AI cheating begins.

How can institutions keep pace with assessment security, and should we continue assessing AI-capable outcomes? Watch the video to hear Phill’s insights.