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Digital literacy as an enabler for the design & delivery of authentic assessments

Episode #27

In this video, Stella Stefany discusses her role as Department Chair of Distance Learning at Universitas Pelita Harapan and how she harnesses digital literacy principles and practices to support authentic assessment.

Stella Stefany | Department Chair of Distance Learning, Universitas Pelita Harapan

In this video, Stella Stefany discusses her role as Department Chair of Distance Learning at Universitas Pelita Harapan and how she harnesses digital literacy principles and practices to support authentic assessment.

Stella explores what it takes to form digitally literate students and how championing digital literacy can address shortcomings in pedagogy and innovate assessment to help prepare students for the real world.

Referencing Indonesia’s digital literacy challenge in the higher education context, Stella points to global frameworks to help signpost Indonesia's journey to a centralised, widescale adoption of digital literacy standards, and the possibilities for dtech to embed digital literacy deeper in the learning experience.

Watch the Bahasa interview