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Investigating contract cheating cases and harnessing academic integrity interventions

Episode 37

We chat with A/Prof. Ann Rogerson, Associate Dean (Education), Faculty of Business and Law at University of Wollongong, about investigating contract cheating

Associate Professor Ann Rogerson | Associate Dean (Education), Faculty of Business and Law at University of Wollongong

In this video, A/Prof. Ann Rogerson shares her journey in the academic integrity space, leading to her key research focus - investigating academic misconduct, and more specifically, identifying patterns of behaviour and detection in contract cheating.

Ann explores the prevailing trends of student cheating prior to and during the pandemic, where collusion - people working together to try and circumvent academic practice - has become a dominant form.

Towards gathering evidence for academic misconduct investigation, Ann shares her advice and resources for educators, and from an educative approach, asserts the need for clearer instruction to help students hone their judgement skills regarding the use of resources and appropriate technology.

Is there a blueprint to help educators investigate and substantiate contract cheating?

Watch the video to learn more!