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The future of student assessments and the role of technology

Episode 48

In this video, Tony Maguire, Regional Director of D2L Australia, explores the future of assessment in higher education as it relates to authentic learning and student work preparedness, leveraging real-world examples and case studies.

Tony Maguire | Regional Director, D2L Australia

In this video, Tony Maguire, Regional Director of D2L Australia, explores the future of assessment in higher education as it relates to authentic learning and student work preparedness, leveraging real-world examples and case studies.

Tony addresses limitations in assessment strategies he believes are ripe for change, and shares how technology can actively support learners and facilitate learning outcomes.

He looks at the intrinsic value of humanised assessment, inclusivity, and the challenges of applying personalisation in education at scale. Tony also calls for greater co-design between academics and industry that maps graduate attributes to what industry needs, strengthening student retention and empowering students to relieve workforce shortages.

What are the elements that educators and institutions should consider in developing a properly architected learning and assessment journey? Watch the video to get Tony’s advice.

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