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The landscape for fairness, flexibility and validity of assessment design in VET education

Episode 59

In this video, we chat with Michelle Charlton, Principal, Specialised VET Services about assessment delivery in the Vocational Education and Training (VET) sector, and how learning providers can secure fairness, flexibility and validity within their assessment practices.

Michelle Charlton | Principal, Specialised VET Services

In this video, we chat with Michelle Charlton, Principal, Specialised VET Services about assessment delivery in the Vocational Education and Training (VET) sector, and how learning providers can secure fairness, flexibility and validity within their assessment practices.

Michelle outlines the legislation and rules of evidence governing a student’s claim for competency which underpins how VET assessment is conducted. Explaining that assessments are not necessarily designed in a way to collect the relevant evidence, she advocates for more active learning to produce work-ready graduates.

She also identifies the need for better delineation of Registered Training Organisation (RTO) roles so that assessors are capable of evaluating whether assessment tools are fit for purpose, and to avoid a ‘tick and flick’ approach that undermines outcomes.

What can RTOs do to overcome structural challenges in how assessments are designed and delivered in VET? Watch the video for Michelle’s perspective.

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