Turnitin’s AI detector capabilities

Rapidly innovating to uphold academic integrity

Identify when AI writing tools such as ChatGPT have been used in students’ submissions.

AI writing detection is available to customers using Turnitin Feedback Studio (TFS), TFS with Originality, Turnitin Originality, Turnitin Similarity, Simcheck, Originality Check, and Originality Check+.

From January 2024, the AI detector will only be available to Turnitin customers when licensing Originality with their existing product.

Turnitin's AI detector

Turnitin's AI detector is specialized for student writing and is highly proficient in distinguishing between AI and human-written content.

Why choose Turnitin’s AI detector?

Trusted by educators globally

Turnitin’s AI writing detection capabilities have been enabled by 98% of our customers. It has also been independently shown to have high effectiveness in correctly identifying AI-generated content, when compared to other commercially available detectors.

Specialized for student writing

Our AI detection technology is highly proficient in distinguishing AI written content from human-written content specifically for student writing, given our 25 years of experience in understanding and safeguarding academic writing.

Integrated into your workflow

The AI detector is fully integrated into the Similarity Report, providing customers with a seamless experience. It’s also available via your learning management system.

Academic integrity in the age of AI writing.

Learn more

130+ million papers processed for AI detection since launch in April 2023


Of these, 3.5 million flagged with 80% or more AI-written content


12.5 million have over 20% AI-written content
Data as of October 27, 2023

ISTELive 2023

Turnitin’s AI detection feature named best in show by Tech & Learning

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