
Looking back to look forward

Reviewing your Feedback Data

Data plays a crucial role in helping schools evaluate student progress, and there is a wealth of data-led insights you can pull from Feedback Studio.

Data plays a crucial role in helping schools evaluate student progress, and there is a wealth of data-led insights you can pull from Feedback Studio. In this webinar, we’ll explore the Class Statistics and Online Grading Report* available to instructors in your Feedback Studio classes. Learn how you can leverage your current class feedback data to inform your future instructional decisions through the identification of gaps and trends.

*The Online Grading Report is only available to instructors that access Turnitin Feedback Studio via or an LTI integration.

What we’ll cover:
  1. Accessing the LTI analytics dashboard
  2. Using the online grading reports to review feedback and student learning
  3. Selecting a correct class end date
  4. Understanding how to use the data to prepare for the next teaching period